Oxford VR Therapy Platform Lands £10 Million In Investment

Oxford VR, founded in 2017 offers services in VR therapy against fear of heights and social anxiety. The company, which span out of Oxford University’s Department of Psychiatry in 2017,…

Effects of Immersive Virtual Reality Headset Viewing on Young Children: Visuomotor Function, Postural Stability, and Motion Sickness.

This study on the effect of a VR headset on young people (under 10 years old) is based on a 50 children. The result shows that one hour use of…

VR drug discovery makes precision therapy a reality | School of Pharmacy

In this article, author explains how pediatric oncologist Beth Apsel Winger and her colleagues from UCSF School of Pharmacy have used VR to design a new drugs for a particular…

Johnson & Johnson wants to bring VR to doctors-in-training worldwide

In her presentation at the last Oculus Connect 6 event, Sandra Humbles explained how the Johnson & Johnson Institute want to increase the use ofOculus Quest in surgery training. In…

La réalité virtuelle pour aider ceux qui souffrent de la maladie de Parkinson

Dans cet article une utilisation de la réalité virtuelle sur 10 patients souffrant de la maladie de Parkinson est présentée avec en particulier une amélioration significative de l’équilibre. Cette étude…

Hyderabad’s “Virtual Raasta” Showcases VR-Based Solutions For Healthcare Domain Services

Presented at last Bio Asia 2019, the “Virtual Raasta” is a VR production house based in Hyderabad (India). Since the event, this company has produced healthcare dedicated content in VR,…

Britain Trials Virtual Reality Time Travel to Combat Dementia

The Britain’s National Health Service is testing the use of virtual reality to help people with dementia. With immersive movies, patients are encouraged to recall  their own personal history throught pictures and…

A Lille, un cocon de réalité virtuelle pour soigner les troubles cognitifs

Caroll Duthérage, fondatrice et directrice innovation de My Cyber Royaume nous présente dans cette article les trois logiciels immersifs conçus par l’entreprise et destinés à faire travailler les fonctions cognitives…

Pharma wades into the world of virtual reality marketing

Why to use VR and 360° videos in Pharma industries, especially for communication ? Because like in any other domains, it’s immersive and engaging ! In the realm of marketing,…

Virtual reality for the elderly

BuildVR has made Solis solution to help elderly to travel with augmented reality. Five kinds of videos are available, linked to particular therapies. People in the experiment is not alone,…